FOOTBALL HANDBOOK – Rules & Procedures

Welcome to the Green Mountain Junior Football Association (GMJFA). GMJFA participates as a member area of the Jeffco Midget Football Association (JYFA). The objective of both groups is to organize, schedule and conduct a youth football program for children between the grades of second, (2nd) and eighth (8th), that meet the eligibility requirements.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with the “basics” of youth football, as organized by GMJFA and JYFA. More detailed information can be found in the GMJFA Bylaws or in the JYFA Rules & Bylaws at:

Jeffco Midget Football Association (JYFA):
JYFA, also known as “the county”, primarily consists of an Executive Board of Directors and representatives from each member area. Each member area, like GMJFA, participates in county meetings and has one (1) vote on any matter submitted for action. Of the Executive Board, only the President can cast a vote, and only as needed to break a tie between the member areas. There are 15 member areas of JYFA. JYFA is a non-profit, volunteer organization, primarily funded through annual assessment fees from every team.

Some of the activities that JYFA is responsible for include: Establishing/Enforcing Association rules, Bracketing of teams within grade levels (Division-1 or Division-2), Scheduling of all games, Overseeing area Drafts and Weigh-ins, Coordination of Referees, Tracking/Reporting of game results, Sponsorship/Organization of the Carnation Bowl and Communicating critical information to the Association.

Member Areas:
Member areas consist of a group of teams within a geographic boundary that are governed by a local Association with a separate Board of Directors. New member areas must be capable of fielding and supporting a minimum of six (6) football teams and be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of JYFA.

Green Mountain Junior Football Association (GMJFA):
GMJFA, also known as “the board”, primarily consists of membership from the Board of Directors and Team Managers from each team within the area. All members are encouraged to attend meetings of the Association and have one (1) vote on any matter submitted for action (“active” members only). Members are considered “active” by attending a minimum of six (6) meetings of the Association in the preceding twelve-month period. The President may only cast a vote, as needed, to break a tie between the active members present. GMJFA is a non-profit, volunteer organization, primarily funded through Player Registration Fees, Fund Raisers and Sponsorships. As an all volunteer organization, no individual directly involved with the Association should financially benefit from their involvement.

Some of the activities that GMJFA is responsible for include: Establishing/Enforcing area rules, Coordination with JYFA & Team Managers, Securing Coaches & Fields, Registration/Rostering of players, Providing team equipment and game jerseys, Coordinating GMJFA Football Camp, Team Pictures and Weigh-in’s, Soliciting/Tracking of Sponsorships and Financial oversight of the Association. A limited number of Scholarships are made available each year to players that demonstrate a financial need.

GMJFA Board of Directors:
The following positions/responsibilities compose the GMJFA Board of Directors:

PRESIDENT/DIRECTOR: The President/Director shall call and preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall attend meetings of the JYFA Board and be a voting member thereof. In addition, they shall be responsible for securing coaches for the teams within the Association, with the advice of the Board of Directors. The assignment of each registered participant to a team shall be a prime responsibility of this office. The President shall be in charge of weigh-ins and maintaining Association insurance, as well as obtaining required background checks.

VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall manage registration and records and allocate scholarships. The Vice President will coordinate physicals and the GMJFA Football Camp. The Vice President shall assist the President/Director and discharge all of the duties of the President/Director in the absence of that office.

SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep the list of all active members, and shall record the proceedings of the meetings of the Board of Directors and ensure their availability to the members of the Association. The Secretary shall also attend to such correspondence and reports as may be required.  The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the Bylaws and Rules of Play & Procedures of GMJFA, as well as Association state licensing as a charitable organization.

TREASURER: The Treasurer shall be charged with responsibility of keeping a proper record of all financial transactions, as well as maintaining all GMJFA bank accounts and the Association’s 501(c)(3) status. The Treasurer shall furnish and file such financial statements or information as may be required by JYFA or by the U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue.

COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE: The County Representative shall attend all meetings of JYFA as a representative of the Association and shall be responsible along with the President/Director for representing the opinion of the Association at JYFA meetings and casting the Association vote in the absence of the President. The County Rep shall also be responsible for reporting all JYFA transactions to the Association. The County Rep shall assist in staffing JYFA activities, including the draft, weigh-ins, and the Carnation Bowl.

FIELDS COORDINATOR: The Fields Coordinator shall be the GMJFA liaison to the city and schools and will obtain and maintain Field Permits. The Fields Coordinator will assign practice fields and act as the contact for same, and will be responsible for coordinating field set-up and breakdown.

EQUIPMENT COORDINATOR: The Equipment Coordinator shall purchase, inventory, maintain, and coordinate distribution and retrieval of all football equipment and jerseys, as well as maintenance of the equipment shed housing same.

TEAM MANAGER COORDINATOR/ALTERNATE COUNTY REP: The Team Manager Coordinator shall be the GMJFA liaison for all team managers, will maintain regular contact with them, and encourage team manager attendance at board meetings. The Team Manager Coordinator shall notify the Board of Directors of the identity of each team manager. The Team Manager Coordinator is charged with explaining to team managers their duties as outlined in the Team Manager Handbook. The Team Manager Coordinator shall act as an alternate County Representative assuming the duties of that position as needed.

TEAM MOM COORDINATOR: The Team Mom Coordinator shall be the GMJFA liaison for all team moms and will provide guidance and advice. The Team Mom Coordinator is charged with explaining to team moms their duties to their team with regard to matters such as nameplates, patches, jerseys and the return of same, team attendance at pictures, notification of practice and game schedule and locations, preparation of drink/snack schedule, and procuring and maintaining team sponsorships. The Team Mom Coordinator shall plan and direct team picture days, and be the contact for purchasing optional team apparel.

SPONSORSHIP COORDINATOR: The Sponsorship Coordinator will administer the Sponsorship Program Policy, issue contribution letters, acquire and distribute sponsorship banners and plaques, and solicit and coordinate Association fundraisers.

WEBMASTER: The Webmaster shall maintain the GMJFA website and educate and advise board members, coaches, team managers and team moms on the use of same. The Webmaster is charged with protecting the integrity, security, and access to the website.

Teams consist of a group of players, within a grade level, that are eligible to play in accordance with the JYFA Rules & Bylaws.  JYFA consists of three different Divisions of play (based upon results from previous year). Division-1 (D-I) is intended to include the top 10 teams within a grade level. Division-2 (D-II) is intended to include the next 12 teams, and Division-3 (D-III) includes all remaining teams within a grade level and is not limited in size.  Each year, the top two teams in each Division move up (D-II & D-III), while the bottom two teams in D-I & D-II move down.

Head Coaches are appointed/retained by the Area President. Head Coaches serve as the leader of their individual team and are responsible for all aspects of that team. Each Head Coach may designate a maximum of five (5) Assistant Coaches that may be rostered with the team and that may stand on the sideline of team games. The Head Coach is responsible for delegating responsibilities and for all actions of his Assistant Coaches, Team Mom and any other individuals involved with the team. All coaches and individuals actively involved with the team must pass a Background Check and are subject to all rules/procedures of GMJFA and JYFA. Head Coaches are required to report their game scores to JYFA (via the website) by the end of each game day.

Team Manager:
Annually, each team is required to elect a Team Manager. The Team Manager serves as the team liaison with GMJFA and is automatically made a member thereof. The Team Manager is the first point of escalation for parents/players if an issue cannot be resolved with the Head Coach. Typically, the Team Manager will meet with the Head Coach on a regular basis to share information and address any issues. Each Team Manager should be familiar with the bylaws and rules of GMJFA and JYFA. The Team Manager must ensure volunteers are identified, prior to the start of each game, to assist with Play Counts, Chains, and Down Marker. The Team Manager is also responsible for managing the sidelines at games and helping to enforce the Parents Code of Ethics.

Team Mom:
It is highly recommended that each team identify a Team Mom(s). A Team Mom can assist the Head Coach with the numerous logistical issues surrounding the team. Some of the activities that a Team Mom may assist with include: Communicating with parents, Game Schedules and Location Information, Snack & Drink Schedules, Team Weigh-in’s and Pictures, Name Plates for Jerseys, Optional Team Apparel, Fund Raisers, Year-end Activities and Jersey Collection. At the start of each season, GMJFA conducts a meeting for Team Moms to provide information and answer any questions they may have.

Player Registration:
Player Registrations are typically accepted from May through August. Registrations may submitted online, be mailed to the GMJFA Post Office Box, or delivered in person at a “Walk-in Registration” date/time. No player shall be eligible to play or practice until the following has been received by GMJFA:

1. Completed Registration Form & Registration Fee
2. Copy of School Transcript  to verify grade level
3. Proof of Physical (dated December of the previous year or later)
4. Proof of Residency (Public Service or Telephone Bill)
5. Signed Parents Code of Ethics

The Area President has prime responsibility to roster players on teams and to do so within all applicable rules and procedures. Returning players automatically return to their previous team unless the player has requested to enter the Draft. No guarantee of movement can be made. Coaches are encouraged to recruit new players into GMJFA that have never played in JYFA. However, coaches may not contact any returning JYFA player for the purpose of them joining their team. Team Rosters are typically closed after Weigh-ins.

Blind Draft:
For new players NOT recruited to a specific team and for any returning player requesting a change in teams, they will be entered into the Blind Draft. All players participating in the draft will be represented by a Draft Card that identifies only their grade level and "patch" designation (Patch/Non-patch). Cards will be selected as determined by GMJFA and assigned to a team. A Division-1 draft will be held prior to the Division-2 draft for those players wishing to move to a Division-1 team.

Note: When sufficient player registrations exist within an age group to create a new team, GMJFA will contact all returning players within that age group to determine their desire to enter the Blind Draft.

Player Equipment:
GMJFA provides a game jersey for every player. These game jerseys are the property of GMJFA and must be returned at the end of the season. The game jersey should NOT be altered in any way, with the exception of removable name plates and weight patches. If a player requires a weight patch, they will be provided by GMJFA and must be sewn on to the jersey sleeves before the first league game. Coaches may decide between Black or Vegas Gold pants and socks for games. Helmets are required to be Vegas Gold and may display the official GMJFA "GM" or “Rams Horn” or any other logo approved by GMJFA.  Individual team awards (i.e., game stickers) may also be displayed on player helmets.  A two hundred dollar ($200) deposit is required from each team, typically withheld from sponsorship funds, to ensure the return of all GMJFA provided team equipment and jerseys.

Basic equipment to be purchased by each player includes: Helmet (Vegas Gold) with Face Mask (Black), Chin Strap, Shoulder Pads, Game Pants (Vegas Gold or Black) with pads, Game Socks (Vegas Gold or Black), and Football Cleats (Non-metalic). Individual teams may choose from the color options for each of these items.

Optional equipment that may be purchased includes: Eye Shield, Neck Support, Rib Vest, Arm/Elbow Pads, Hand Warmer, Gloves, Athletic Supporter, Thermal Underwear, Practice Jersey, Practice Pants and other team apparel. No team may require the purchase of any optional equipment.

Equipment Sale:
Each year GMJFA sponsors an Equipment Sale for all teams. At this time, all team equipment and game jerseys are distributed. Any team that fails to participate will be responsible for making separate arrangements with the GMJFA Equipment Manager. Local sports equipment providers are available onsite to assist with individual player purchases. These providers typically provide discounts on their merchandise of up to 20% during the Equipment Sale. Each grade level is assigned a specific timeframe to help manage the flow of traffic. It is recommended that each coach meet with their team and parents before their scheduled time to provide team specific information (Practices, Coaching Philosophy, Team Rules, Game Pants & Socks Colors, Contact Information, etc.)

Football Camp(s):
Each year numerous football camps are available for those players interested. Many of these camps are advertised on the JYFA Website as a courtesy. In addition, GMJFA typically sponsors a local football camp along with Green Mountain High School (GMHS). This Football Camp has an additional charge and separate Registration Form in order to participate. The camp is meant to provide a pre-season opportunity for players to begin their skill development and conditioning. The camp is non-contact for kids in 6th grade and under (shorts & T-Shirt), and light contact for kids in 7th grade and Seniors (Helmets & Shoulder Pads). As part of the Registration Fee, GMJFA provides each participant a Camp T-Shirt and a daily drink (Gatorade or equivalent).

Weigh-in’s & Team Pictures:
Weigh-in’s are typically conducted in conjunction with other areas to provide mutual oversight and coordination. Each team will be assigned a specific weigh-in time. Teams are advised to arrive 30 minutes early to ensure they are ready and organized in advance. Each team must line-up ALPHABETICALLY, in the same order that appears on the roster. Each player must be wearing their numbered jersey to be weighed. No parents are allowed in the weigh-in area.

Backfield Limits (Patch Weight) are: 2nd Grade (75 lbs), 3rd Grade (85 lbs), 4th Grade (95 lbs),
5th Grade (105 lbs), 6th Grade (No Limit), 7th Grade (No Limit), Seniors (No Limit).

Team Pictures are typically conducted on the same day as Weigh-in’s. All players will receive a FREE 5x7 Team Picture and a FREE 3x5 individual picture. Each player needs to complete an Order Form whether they want additional pictures or not. Additional pictures may be purchased by specifying the desired package on the Order Form. Periodically, photographers will take game pictures and make them available for individual purchase. These photographers are not sponsored by GMJFA and are completely optional.

Team Sponsorships:
GMJFA Sponsorship Form is located on the main webpage under Documents. 

Websites & Calendar of Events:
The GMJFA website and the JYFA website: both maintain a Calendar of Events to help plan your season and team activities. Additional information on many important activities can be found there, including: Football Camps, Walk-in Registration, Physicals, Draft, Equipment Sale, Weigh-ins, Team Pictures, Start of Practices, Game Schedules/ Results, Carnation Bowl, etc. Please take advantage of these resources and let us know if additional information would be of value.

Contact Information:
Numerous options exist to contact GMJFA. If appropriate, questions/concerns can be taken directly to the Head Coach or Team Manager of an individual team. Otherwise, individual GMJFA Board Members can be reached as identified on the GMJFA Website. Finally, messages can be left on the Football Hotline at: 720-255-1892 or sent directly to the GMJFA mailbox at:

P.O. Box 150310
Lakewood, CO. 80215